Tag: anti-inflammatory
Did you know that … overtraining and an unspecific feeling of illness are closely connected
But how are they linked? Everybody who has experienced an infection knows the feeling of being ill. Not feeling well...
The healthy aspects of regular workouts
The posts before have shown the dramatic outcomes of too much exercise and training. In between, I would like to...
Lactose Intolerance: an overrated disease concept?
Since I am involved with biestmilch/colostrum, the diagnosis of lactose intolerance seems to have spread like an epidemic. Self-diagnosis and...
Training on the Edge of Impaired Immunity
Recently, I had a comment on my facebook site where I cited a study by David Nieman that regular sessions...
Painkillers blunt the body’s response to exercise
I found a very interesting article about the harmful effects of painkillers in the New York Times. Especially now, where...