Tag: Chris McCormack
IRONMAN Germany: big success but fighting the amounts of footage
This is exactly the dilemma you meet when one is working multimedia-based. We got a lot of great materials, but...
Macca beim Heinerman in Darmstadt – ein großherziger Athlet und Gentleman!
Hals über Kopf, als wir gestern beim verspäteten Mittagessen in Frankfurt im New Yorker saßen, hat sich Chris entschieden in...
I love to win but self-criticism must be in any case
Norbert from Biestmilch's Seven asked Chris one question behind the finishline in Kraichgau. The answer is a typical McCormack and...
First of April: Chris McCormack announces the winners of the Training Day
In case you cannot understand the name properly: here the list of winners: Erich Reisinger, Dirk Dehmer, Anke Tobisch, Christoph...
Short Course Mix
This video is a nice motion portrait of Biest 02 Chris McCormack alias Macca as a young guy on the...