Tag: science
I have to rewrite, rethink…
...reorganize, readjust my mindset at quite some points after having seen this documentary. Please, do so as well. What did...
The world seen through lenses …
The earth is not a disk, it is not round, but it is kind of round. Since years we are...
Nutrition & Food – a sketch on a messy subject!
Nutrition* is called the 4th discipline of triathlon. This may infer a very misleading connotation of the importance of food...
No Immunity – No Life
All living creatures receive immunity from their mothers. Be it the insects’ like the little fruit flies through the larvae...
Recovery: a lot talked about topic, but scarcely explored
We cannot be more wrong, if we think that the body is idle during the recovery phase. On the contrary,...
About food and its conflict between science and experience
I assume that there is not one athlete who does not know about the importance of food for peak performance,...
Some musings on doping and anti-doping by Bengt Kayser
a few days ago I received this paper on the doping dilemma from Bengt Kayser*. I think it is an...
Tapering: A blurred subject that makes a clear vision difficult
Since weeks I wanted to write a scientific outline about this subject. My searches have been frustrating, the papers I...