Tag: sports
Triathlete Rebekah Keat about the issue of weight among athletes
Thank you Bek, you inspired me to write this text about body weight I’m lean, I’m light - I am...
Introducing our bottom-up video series
For several years we had the top athletes in the focus of our lenses. We had the privilege of special...
Coaching is mostly about balancing people – a talk with coach Juliano Teruel
On our path on the search for like-minded people and alliances we met Juliano. It seems so that South America...
A shoe is a shoe is not a shoe … part 1
This rather cryptic and for some of you even absurd sounding heading belongs to an article series about the man...
Give Biestmilch (colostrum) a sporting chance
Immunity is right in the centre of healthiness, success, performance ... one name it. Without immunity death is the only...
The method behind the doping: Victor Conte’s sensational letter spills the beans on drug use by sprinters
The high season of sports is just about to begin, and I suppose that we shall be surprised now and...