It’s a wonderful warm and sunny day here in Wiesbaden today. All our preps for our performance this afternoon are done. The crew is ready for departure, our tippi is happy to get out of the storage room again 😉 … and our photo gallery (see below) is waiting to grow !
Beside the tippi we are curious to see our first prototype of a BIEST BOOSTER dispenser. The timeline was short and we don’t know how this is going to work, very experimental 😉
BIEST BOOSTERs will available for all of you who are ready to apply a tattoo or a sticker at some place on their body or gear.
The BIEST crew is starting the activities in the area of the Pasta Party today at 17:00.
Besides, we have launched a Biestmilch Athletes Gallery, another experiment we are hoping to have a proof of concept tonight.
We are looking forward to meeting you there. Watch out for the tippi!
Unfortunate news! Andi and Yvonne cannot race, they are both sick. We keep our fingers crossed for a quick recovery.