Talk with Ronnie Schildknecht after his DNF at the IRONMAN world championships in Kona 2013
I have to admit I had quite an uneasy feeling before this interview in the Energy Lab. Ronnie came to Kona with lots of expectations. He wanted to go for top 5. How disappointing must it have been for him that his form on this day was not made for such a place. He had to quit on the run while he had already been struggling on the bike.
Honestly, I was doubting whether he would attend the photo shooting meeting the others who had been so successful. But Ronnie is a true professional. He came, his mood was not too cheerful, but he seemed relaxed and well balanced. Okay, a relief for me, the photo shooting didn’t seem to be a problem.
And the interview? Maybe he wouldn’t want to talk about anything yet. Ronnie proved me wrong. In his incomparable style he said: “Of course, we can do this talk, no problem!”.
His words are worthwhile to listen to. One can learn from Ronnie!
Thanks for this talk Ronnie. And you guys, enjoy listening.