Ugh ? Or is bug-sharing a better concept to build up immunity?

Ugh ? Or is bug-sharing a better concept to build up immunity?

Yesterday before I decided to upload this video, I knew that it would cause controversial reactions and eventually antagonize people. I made the decision to publish this video anyhow, because it shows the problem we currently face with the swine flu in a very charming way. In times where you hear voices that even want to forbid a friendly handshake or the grabbing hold of the handle in a bus the most different perspectives through which we see the world are disclosed, and may eventually roughly collide.

Since years the notion that hygiene is the solution for the increasing number of virus infections or allergies is under scientific scrutiny. The huge amount of data indicates that hygiene is very likely leading us up the garden path. Our worldwide increasing health hazards may be better cared for by promoting a smooth communication with the environment, instead of avoiding interacting and exposing ourselves, at least upfront biology says so. A strong immunity seems to need the steady process of interaction with the environment – the more potent, the more multifaceted it becomes. Bugs can be allies not only enemies in this game, they keep our immune system active and trained.
I remember when my girl friend had her one year old daughter with her in my place. The girl was sitting on the floor with my dog, they were exchanging toys. My girl friend did not care, no scream of horror 😉 … In poorer countries people share homes with their animals, and so did we in former days. No data indicate that this contributes to the spread of illnesses and pandemics, on the contrary. Sebastian did the same in this short video clip, he shared. And he did not get ill either!

Shouldn’t we think about slightly changing our propaganda that is so much pro hygiene still?



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

A plea for immunity against hygiene

Microorganisms shape our immune system: figures only

1 Comment

  1. That’s a fact I have watched a several time. Especially mother who got the first time a baby are hysterical about “dirt” in any way. But how can such a “new” immunesystem learn by don’t knowing what is around? These babies later on have such problems with their immunesystem that I ask myself why there are no informations for mothers, that sometimes “dirt” is necessary for learning?? What do you mean?

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