In December 2011 we launched our Biest Booster Experiment (BBeX). Since then more than 1000 people took part and until May we got already 234 filled out protocols. We are really thrilled that so many of are to share their experiences with us.
Those of you who enrolled for the BBex received a parcel with 5 Biest Boosters. The included protocol contains recommendations for use that refer to specific situations you may want to take a Booster.
The answers to the questions asked in this protocol tell a lot about the potency of the Booster. We divided the BBeX into 6 little experiments: The »Early Morning Booster Experiment«, the »On the Job Booster Experiment«, the »Evening Booster Experiment«, the »Long Training Run (ca 30k) or Bike Ride (ca 120-180k) Experiment« and at last a question for those who are allergic.
In the following you can find the evaluation of the first 234 protocols.
»Early Morning Booster Experiment«
It recommends to take a Booster instead of your early morning coffee; i.e. before your swim session, run or before driving to work.
Referring to our first question, how long it eventually took for the Booster to kick in the majority felt the Booster’s effect after 20(44%) to 30 minutes (32%), some of them even sooner (10%).
136 participants (58%) felt the Booster being more effective than coffee whereas at least 36% (83) gave it the same effectiveness. 61% (142) confirmed our assumption that the Booster is longer lasting than coffee. A significant majority of 58% (136) affirmed that the Booster influenced their endurance capacity to the better.
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The »On the Job Booster Experiment«
It recommends to take a Booster if you feel fatigued and loosing focus.
Most of the participants (87%) totally agreed in the point that their overall condition improved. 40 people (17%) felt the Booster’s effects lasting for one hour whereas 95 (41%) respondents felt them for 2 hours and 60 (26%) for 3 hours.
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The »Evening Booster Experiment«
It recommends to take a Booster if you have still to complete a training session in the evening, be it swimming or running, and you lack the motivation and/or are already tired.
Here we first wanted to know how long it took for the Booster to unfold its effects. Again most of the people felt the Booster kicking in after 20 minutes (45%) to 30 minutes (27%), some even sooner (17% after 10 minutes).
Correspondingly 88% (207) felt fitter for their session and quite the same amount of people felt more motivated (87%). After that session 56% (131) of all participants didn’t feel any change in their normal sleep pattern.
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The »Long Training Run (ca 30k) or Bike Ride (ca 120-180k) Experiment«
It suggests to take a Booster before you leave, and after 2/3 of the run/bike, when you start feeling fatigued and weak in your legs. You should drink to hydrate, but try not to eat anything else, especially no gels or bars. You should describe in your own words, how the Booster influenced your performance and body feel.
Most of the participants described that they felt re-energized, less fatigued, stronger and more focused and concentrated. Motivation increased while usually dropping off somewhere along the way. Many felt less hungry and mentally stronger. Overall alertness has slightly improved. In line with these observations many reported an improved endurance capacity, fresher legs and a quicker recovery.
You should try a Booster during a really acute episode of your allergy and then tell us whether you experienced any relief of symptoms. As most of the people who participated yet are not allergic, we have no explicit answer. But those who are allergic told us that they felt a relief of their symptoms.
After having seen these results don’t you feel encouraged to participate now? You are most welcome! Here you go!