This is probably unknown territory for you, let us therefore give you a brief introduction.
After pondering the idea thoroughly with our developer friends here in Frankfurt we decided to undertake this venture and introduce the BIEST BOOSTER to you first time and exclusively at this year’s MACOUN.
The BIEST BOOSTER is actually a tool that can efficiently support you in your work which is in our opinion one of the most stressful and challenging jobs overall. To cut a long story short here is a passage of text to give you a rough idea of the substance and product.
The BIEST BOOSTER is a high-tech product even though it is also a truly natural product. It contains the all natural Biestmilch (bovine colostrum), natural caffeine extract of the guarana fruit and as sweetener stevia from the North and South Amercia plant. The BOOSTER’s matrix is composed of a dextrose derivative called Emdex®. So in the end, what makes the BOOSTER a high-tech product, is the art of combining 4 grams of Biestmilch with 500 mg of Guarana extract into an edible small shape. Biestmilch per se is improving motivation and cognition, it has an antidepressant effect due to its influence on the HPA axis*. The same mode of action turns it into a substance that increases stress resistance and improves immunity. Guarana we assume you are familiar with. Its levels increase smoothly, its efficacy is therefore longer compared to coffee. Studies have shown that Guarana significantly enhances cognition. The combination of both ingredients works perfectly to bridge times of fatigue and cognitive impairment.
*axis from the hypothalamus to pituitary gland to the adrenal glands (central organ of the stress system)
And now put the Biest BOOSTER to test!
As soon as we receive your personal data we shall send you the BIEST BOOSTER parcel. It contains 5 BIEST BOOSTERS, recommendations for use and the link to an online questionnaire that we kindly ask you to fill out. The more people are contributing with their experiences the more reliable future recommendations for others will be. A first evaluation is already available.
Read more here …
In case of you participating in this activity we would really appreciate it, if you registered for the Facebook and Twitter »Biest of Friends« group. It gives you the possibility to directly get in touch with all the others who did the experiment already. Maybe, you may want to share your experiences among each other, be they positive or negative.
For the time being the group is dominated by endurance athletes. Would be great to see you joining and mingle, and help to broaden the view in this still tiny world.
We from Biestmilch strongly stand for a participatory and interdisciplinary culture.
Please, make a request for membership in the group by using this link.
Click here and follow the group on Twitter.