Monday after the race when everybody was in somehow relaxed – even though in different emotional states depending on the race result – all of us had agreed to meet on a Lava field round about 6k before Waikoloa village for a photo shoot. You may not believe it but it was the first professional shooting since the Biestmilch Seven company was founded in 2000.
Participants were: highly reputed photographer Michael Rauschendorfer, Chris “MACCA” McCormack, unfortunately with a DNF, Rachel Joyce, unlucky 11th after having a chest infection during race week, Sebastian Kienle, 70.3 world champion, 2012 & 4th in Kona after having had a flat, Ronnie Schildknecht, 19th place and not really happy with himself, and Andi Boecherer, 21st and probably the most unhappy guy in the group. Too many things had happened that spoiled his race. That he forgot his tripants at the condo, that his trisuit tore apart, and his drinking bottle cracked on the ride are only some of the unlucky incidents that made him upset about this race. But more about this later in our interviews “the race in 60 seconds” that will follow this post …
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Anyway, be it as it may we all came together on the Lava fields, and whether it was the incredible power of the lava or the power and harmony in the group as such or – what is most likely – all together made this shooting real fun, and the results were therefore outstanding. The photos of the making don’t show the stress the Biestmilch crew had to rebuild the CUBE on the highway before carrying it into the Lava fields. Almost 3 hours before we have been there to be ready in time, the wind was blowing fairly strong and the sun was burning on the asphalt. But Fritz, Herwig, Mark, Bettina and myself succeeded to get the job done without any serious incidents, we even had some good laughs the situation being rather absurd with us and this big white thing fiddling around on the highway’s shoulder and being shattered by each truck passing.
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Then we had to wait for Micheal. He had to decide where to position the CUBE on the lava field. Let’s say we were standing still on the highway for ca. 45 minutes, then he came, what a relief!. Thank god, that Harald Eggebrecht and Anton Thomma from tri2b came with him to help. Carrying the Cube on to the fields was amazingly easy, and what was even more surprising was that the CUBE was standing so incredibly stable on the lava despite strong and gusty winds. This must have been the magic of the place!
I think I need not to tell more, the photos speak for themselves…