Frankfurt was lucky, it experienced the first real summer weekend this year. It was dry and warm, the winds were moderate, and the air was not humid, perfect conditions for a race hard as.
Andi Boecherer, Sebastian Kienle and Rinalds Sluckis have been in the focus of the Biestmilch cameras. Oh my goodness, this was an exciting day! Andi had twisted his ankle shortly before the race and was not sure at all, whether he would be able to run through the marathon lacking the running kilometers and not knowing whether his ankle would tolerate the 42k already. Sebastian was very uncertain too about the outcome of this race for him. Since St. George in May his body struggled with the reactivation of a nasty borreliosis infection. That meant 3 weeks without any training and a cure with antibiotics instead.
Rinalds has just decided this year to become a pro athlete, and knew that he had to do still quite some build-up work especially on the bike. Considering all this we have been extremely happy with the race results, Andi coming in 5th, Sebi 10th and Rinalds 27th.
This video clip is a short summary of the Frankfurt race from unusual perspectives. Thanks to my wonderful crew Friedrich Zorn, Herwig Steiner, Chris McCormack, Ralf Scheiber, Patricia Keyling, Karsten Kunkel, Holger-Tom Schad, Francisca Vila-Hughes, Harry Glatz, Jan-Hendrik Hühne and Kristina Pollak, and the ones at home Arne Schumacher, Fritz Oelberg and Patrick Lehner. Each of you made Frankfurt a success for Biestmilch.