About the magic of an octagon

You never tried BIESTMILCH, the jewel on the Colostrum sky?
You should, really. Never before – at least in my life – immunity became so essential.

The situation the world plunged in makes many of us suffer.

why is this the case?

This is not the place to discuss this highly sensitive subject. Regardless of the causes, which are manifold, strong immunity is a must.

We have created this initiative around the BIEST BOOSTER because this unique product provides immediate results. You will feel its powerful effect after half an hour at the latest.


The BIEST BOOSTER has a great holistic character in its effect. It unfolds its protective effects in many areas of our organism, similar to the immune system, which is the biological system without which life is unthinkable. 

Therefore, special precautions must be taken for its protection. You can take BIESTMILCH BIEST BOOSTER whenever you don’t feel not well, or unfit, tired, or generally cranky.

The cause does not matter. The immune system is always involved.

Immunity has never been as important as it is today

20% less for more immunity