Biestmilch is very sporty

Biestmilch is very sporty

I just came back from running. It was a wonderful run, beautiful weather not to hot. My legs were heavy, my by brain tired, and accordingly, my thoughts were floating around blogging. Waterfalls
I thought I might tell you little bit about biestmilch and its jolty hampered sports career.

We started introducing biestmilch with a lot of enthusiasm into the marathon scene in 2001. Soon our optimism had to give way to reality. Our small business with its fine but brand new, bizarr product got lost among thousands of runners who at the end did not care too much about their health, and not at all about us. We did not want to give in too fast. We thought things just take time, that we need to be patient. But a small business like we are can only be patient up to a certain extent.

During these months of doubts how to continue it happened that a guy from Berlin contacted me. He was a triathlete – I didn’t know this at this moment of time – taking care of kids who were extremely difficult to educate. Jens planned an adventure tour with them to strengthen their social responsibility. He was searching for sponsors to support his plans.
Biestmilch was the only company to support his cause. I worked in psychiatry and I worked on an acute crisis intervention program in Vienna in the 80ies, so I am prone to underdogs. I did not hesitate to give what we could afford to these kids.

A few weeks later Jens called me to thank us, and, he told me that he believes in biestmilch and might be able to perform a placebo-controlled doubleblind study for a reasonable price.
In August 2001 we started this trial. The results were so outstanding that we had to hide them. This is what I knew right from the beginning that nobody would be ready to to believe this data.

Never start something like this even with best intention and high professionality you will not succeed. This is part one of the story which in somehow indicates already why we entered with triathlon a few months later, in summer 2002.

I shall come back to you on this, perhaps tomorrow. Stay with us it is not a boring story yet to come.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Our most valuable cooperation partners

Biestmilch was naked in those days

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