Biestmilch: The creation of a name, a story and a logo, part I

Biestmilch: The creation of a name, a story and a logo, part I

It was in December 1999. Arne, Bernd and I, the proud proprietors of a company especially founded to market a strange and unknown substance called colostrum or first milk, were sitting in our old office in Wiesbaden mulling over the right name for our future product.
It should be a name that told a story, and could be representet by a significant logo. The product name, the product story and the logo should embody a world of its own, a world people were able to keep in mind, recognize easily, and very important, were prone to like.
For hours we were tossing around words, none was cercive. Finally, my brother asked:»Isn’t there an old expression, or some historcal aspect we could consider. «Arne answered in his sober and unspectacular way. »In the very North of Germany we calle it biestmilch!«
Bernd and I cried out with one voice: »That’s it, and, that was it and it still is.« You won’t believe how many »wise and old marketing experts« advised us against choosing a name they considered as negatively tinted. We didn’t care. For us the name was perfect. It conveyed a story and was unique. Next step was to create a logo, a biest. This is when Jörg came into the game.

You know, I am busy working on my art project in Vienna today, therefore I shall continue to tell you the story about the logo when I am back on Monday. Have a nice Sunday, with or without football.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Key persons in the biestmilch game

Intermezzo: Vienna

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