Inflammation: basic life strategy

Inflammation: basic life strategy


Today, a very smart girl friend of mine asked me, after I explained to her with my usual enthusiasm the basis I built the whole biestmilch concept on, to give her the same thing in writing. I will try now and would like to start out with an expression of one my professors from my medical studies I still appreciate very much.

Only two possibilities to react with: inflammation and tumor

One day he took me, who was so frustrated by the medical studies, aside and said: »Listen, my girl, remember one thing, it will make life in medicine much easier for you, if you understand one thing. There are only two ways the body can react with to all kind of offenses: this is inflammation or tumors.«
I always kept his words in mind. During the years and the experiences I made my viewpoint only slightly changed. Today, I still am convinced that there are two aspects one has to take in consideration:

Genetic defects and inflammatory processes

Those two induce or determine the course of all diseases we know.
In most of the cases the milieu is able to compensate for minor genetic deficits. But if chronic inflammation and genetic defects coincide unluckily, then a tumor or any other chronic disease may be the result.

Inflammation is the strategy of our body to survive the myriads of collisions of our body with the outside and the inside world that take place continuously. Imagine our body as spider web tightly knitted in some places and only loosely knitted in others. We are extremely permeable, the lungs, the gut, the skin huge areas of interaction, cooperation and collision.
The balance we need to stay alive is jeopardized every second. There are 3 major components that try to avoid and control the various threatening degradation processes in real time: the nervous system, the immune system and the hormones, all together they embody the stress system.
They continuously initiate and counterbalance the countless number of inflammatory processes in our body, that stand for the collision and coalition of our body respectively us with the world we live in.

Inflammation is a life principle

Inflammation is remedy and damage at the same time, because it is the initiator of all healing processes and harming agent in all diseases we know without exception. It is a life principle.  Whether it is a chronic infection, a tumor or a disease like multiple sclerosis or allergy, they are all basically the result of a deregulated stress system that leads to deteriorating inflammatory processes.

Biestmilch has anti-inflammatory capacities

Bietsmilch has an immediate acute regulatory potential as well as a longterm modulatory potential which means biestmilch influences the activity patterns of various chronic inflammatory conditions regardless of their cause.
Biestmilch is a modulatory agent that influences the body’s manifold activity states, its definite effects depending on the basic activity of the system as a whole.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

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