A live sketch book reflecting the big stuff in life!

A live sketch book reflecting the big stuff in life!

I’m a regular visitor of TED talks and I like sketches, and I’m steadily searching for new ways of presenting so-called knowledge (a difficult term, I don’t want to elaborate on now) beyond PowerpPoint. I popped into this post on infoaesthetics that I think is a convenient post for a rainy and snowy Easter holiday (at least around here in Central Europe).

At TED2008 in Monterey, two sketch artists (or knowledgecartographers) David Sibbet & Kevin Richards captured the Big Questions live as they happened. Their illustrations highlight the most memorable quotes, great questions & unexpected connections. They were watching each speaker, sketching their impressions, and feeding everything into a groundbreaking new system for sharing and connecting ideas. Autodesk‘s BigViz system is an interactive way to record and synthesize big ideas in a collaborative environment.

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Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Harry Biest 04 spielt das Didgeridoo

Jill Bolte Taylor, neuroanatomist, talks about her own stroke of insight

1 Comment

  1. They should be ckehced daily for problems. You can get feeders and drinkers to allow the odd day away and automatic door closers that can open / shut the pophole but if this were to fail or their water were to leak out, you still need to have a quick check daily. Look at Hybrid chickens if you want vigour and laying abilities.

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