Survey on lactose intolerance

Survey on lactose intolerance

The survey is now closed, thank you for participating. The winners are going to hear from us by next week.

Lactose intolerance is an illness many people are complaining about. A few weeks ago I wrote the article “lactose an overrated disease concept?” on this blog I would like to refer to in this place. With this survey we would like to encourage you to test Biestmilch*, which is known for its gut protecting effects. If your lactose intolerance is caused by inflammatory processes within the mucosal lining, Biestmilch may help to improve your intolerance symptoms.

Among those who take part in this survey we shall draw 30 winners.
1 – 3 receive 2 boxes of Biestmilch capsules and the MACCA poster of the Month February 2011
4 – 30 receive the MACCA poster of the Month February 2011 and a Biest Booster for testing


*Don’t worry, we shall send you detailed information on how to take Biestmilch in the case of lactose intolerance.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Umfrage zum Thema Laktose-Intoleranz

Feeling like home: biestmilch condo in Kona, 2010


  1. I have no lactose intolerence, but i was 12, I drank mostly farm milk, unpasturised, by cows that ate only grass, hay – no protein mix and injections.
    I also had the luck of have goat and camel milk from time to time.

    Any food stuff that is monoregimen, industrial and taken in big quantities is going to be a problem. Even if it’s “only” milk.

  2. I started having a problem with it until someone recommended organic raw milk. I haven’t had any problems since! They even have raw cheese, yogurt etc. that tastes wicked good!

  3. I don’t suffer of lactose intolerence but it happened to get similar disturbs after a long period without drinking milk. Since I use biestmilch every morning I didn’t get anymore that disturbs and I took again milk without a refractory downtime as usual in this case. Another strong thing is that I got since child problem with full-cream milch, too heavy, and I used always semi skimmed one, since I use biestmilch I tolerate the full one very very well!! Never before:-)

  4. Jen, just a remark, in cheese and yogurt the lactose is already degraded by the lactase, so you don’t need your own.

    Alberto, that’s great to hear, thx for the feedback. I hope others feel inspired and encouraged by your experience.

    And Gildas, you 100% right, monoregimen are bad, and biestmilch, you take it in very small amounts, round about 900mg per day, and it is natural, no additives, no preservatives at all.

    Thx for your input, best regards, susann

  5. I train and do triathlon. I use to like to drink a lot of milk. I would have a massive Milo every morning and cereal as well as at least 4 coffees a day. For a period of a month I started to get sick whilst training and would be sick by throwing up and burping etc… I thought it must have been the energy products I was using but I then realized via a friend that it was the amount of milk I was drinking and they suggested I try soy milk. Soy is ok and has solved my problems but it just tastes so bad and coffee tastes terrible with soy. I need to either try drink milk again in small amounts or give your product a try!

  6. as you tell me your story, it sounds very much like you got issues with your mucosal lining and gut permeability. If I were you, I would try tiny amounts of milk, and see whether you will to tolerate this.
    To give your guts a cure with biestmilch makes sense, biestmilch helps re-balancing the gastro-intestinal tract, I can warmly recommend to try it. But please, if you decide so, go for a cure of 3 months minimum.

    If you need to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Have a great weekend, cheers, susann

  7. I have a problem with all cows milk, it leaves me feeling heavy and bloated, results in flatulence and diarrhoea on occasions.

    I have started to drink goats milk and I am ok with that, so not sure if i am lactose intolerant. I eat small amounts of cheese made with cows milk and can tolerate yoghurt too.

    Soy milk is too sweet and sickly for me so I try and avoid that

  8. I have a problem with all cows milk, it leaves me feeling heavy and bloated, results in flatulence and diarrhoea on occasions.

    I have started to drink goats milk and I am ok with that, so not sure if i am lactose intolerant. I eat small amounts of cheese made with cows milk and can tolerate yoghurt too.

    Soy milk is too sweet and sickly for me so I try and avoid that.

  9. To me, all sorts of milk cause problems (bloating, diarrhea, skin disorders). However, it’s the worst with cow’s milk. I guess due to mass production and all its side effects. I’ve become more and more sensitive to dairy in general but my body tends to tolerate small amounts of sheep/goat yoghurt or cheese for example. Still have to watch it and not overdo it. Very sensitive/weak digestive system. Happy with soy and oat milk for the most part. In general, I try to follow the rule not to overdo anything but to consume everything in moderation. Seems to work out well for me.

  10. I think it is important to know that in yogurt and cheese the lactose is already broken down by lactase, so you don’t need your own system’s lactase.
    The difference between cow’s milk and goat is mainly the composition of the fat, the particles in goat’s milk are much smaller.
    Another point is that in case of an milk allergic component that may be inherited from your parents or siblings, reduced exposure to milk may be of benefit.

    Intolerance phenomena are difficult to diagnose, and you are right one has to test it out with small amounts.

    But if you have a very sensitive digestive system, then biestmilch can be of real help to make it more robust, it helps if you suffer from food allergies and intolerance phenomena apart from lactose intolerance.

  11. hi! i do have lactose intollerance issues, but it’s now months I am taking biestmilch and have just seen positive effect of it!
    and i can tell you, it’s not because my intollerance got better! i cannot still manage to have an ice cream (or an hot chocolate) without throughing it up or feeling very very nauseous afterwards.
    so thumbs up for biestmilch who found a way of giving me all I need without any side-effects!!!!

  12. hi! i do have lactose intollerance issues, but it’s now months I am taking biestmilch and have just seen positive effect of it!
    and i can tell you, it’s not because my intollerance got better! i cannot still manage to have an ice cream (or an hot chocolate) without throughing it up or feeling very very nauseous afterwards.
    so thumbs up for biestmilch who found a way of giving me all I need without any side-effects!

  13. hi, i do have lactose intollerance issues, but it’s now months I am taking biestmilch and have just seen positive effect of it.
    and i can tell you, it’s not because my intollerance got better! i cannot still manage to have an ice cream (or an hot chocolate) without throughing it up or feeling very very nauseous afterwards.
    so thumbs up for biestmilch who found a way of giving me all I need without any side-effects

  14. hi, i do have lactose intollerance issues, but it’s now months I am taking biestmilch and have just seen positive effects of it. and with the high volume training for tri, i am happy to have found something very natural that shields me and make me stronger from the inside
    and i can tell you, it’s not because my intollerance got better! i cannot still manage to have an ice cream (or an hot chocolate) without throughing it up or feeling very very nauseous afterwards. this makes difficult also to find proteins “after-training” drinks that are accepted by my body. so thumbs up for biestmilch who found a way of giving me all I need without any side-effects …

  15. Winnie, thank you for your positive feedback, it makes me really happy! all the best, susann

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