Biest crowds are running up the cube, »nature nurture culture«, it says on it, and »balance and peak«, it stands for. The object in its condensed lightness is the strongest and most suitable symbol we could think of embodying the culture of Biestmilch and its various actors associated with it.
We started to develop the cube last year shortly before the IRONMAN world championships in Kona, Hawaii. Since then it went through several development stages.Todays final shape as you currently see it is a joint venture of a team of creative and courageous minds ready to leave the beaten path. I want thank all of them at this point instead of adding more words and destroy its wholeness by chit-chat. The pictures speak for themselves, anyway.
My cube team (in alphabetical order): Mark Hughes, Zabotka Palm, Holger-Tom Schad, Ralf Scheiber, Barbara Schimek, and Isabel Warner. Another thank you I address to Kai Walter and Amy Zwilling from IRONMAN Europe, who trusted us and gave us a marvelous platform in Frankfurt. We would love to welcome you there, if you are around.