It was our first day on the Big Island yesterday. The journey long and tiring, on the one hand the routine of 12 years makes it easy for us to adjust quickly, on the other hand there is this urge to break the routines. So what to do after having been shopping to equip the kitchen in a way that guests could bump any minute?
We didn’t want to put to much effort into the day and decided to drive to Waimea and then to Hawi for breakfast. Still, after so many years I love to go there. This village has got style, charm, and charisma.
The side winds were blowing on the Kawai road to Hawi. It was incredible. Bright sunshine alternated with heavy rain. Big scary clouds came rolling over the green hills with the south-easterly winds.

The cows were calmly eating the fresh and rich grass. The horses were searching refuge under the trees crouching together. But then, the unexpected happened, you won’t believe it.

On the horizon suddenly appeared a cyclist, all alone fighting the winds. He was the only one pedaling up the steep hills from Hawi. It was Andi. What an encounter. We stopped, offered him to take him with us in the car. No, no, this was not his. He wanted to ride up right to the crest at 1400ft and then, yes, he was ready that we take him down to Waimea. So we did.
Andi continued then into the direction Saddle Road and we returned back to our plan: breakfast – meanwhile it was round about 1:00pm – in Hawi.