IRONMAN® Village, Kailua-Kona 2015
The village has opened its doors today. »Game is on« as Chris McCormack would express it. Our CUBE is unmanned. You might be astonished. But the marketplace down there is so busy, not the right spot to talk about a product that is still not self-explaining. Even though colostrum is an all natural powerful substance, our knowledge about it got lost decades ago.
We try to bring it back into our lives and tell the story of its amazing power. As a small company we need your help. Just leave all your questions with us. We shall answer it as honest and with all the knowledge we gained over the last 15 years in the sport.
Edith Niederfriniger, triathlete from the very beginning of the sport and now an experienced coach, Sam Gydé from Belgium, 3 times world champion, age group 35 -39 and myself, CEO and educated physician, are going to answer your questions on:
Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 1:00 to 1:30pm
Thank you for your support, and all of you have a race that makes you happy and proud!
If you have questions & you are not here on the Big Island, leave your questions on this form >>