Tag: immune system
Balance and Peak in time is like walking along a thin line
How do we assess our bodily condition? How do we find out whether we are on the edge but safe...
Did you know that … overtraining and an unspecific feeling of illness are closely connected
But how are they linked? Everybody who has experienced an infection knows the feeling of being ill. Not feeling well...
Why we assembled the «Spring fever package»
Aren’t we all desperately waiting for spring after a long winter, waiting for the days to get longer again, that...
Allergy season is in full swing – consider Biestmilch as a treatment option!
THE LONG MARCH OF THE ALLERGY The food allergy is frequently the beginning of the long march of the allergy...
Experiences with Biestmilch: testimonials of our Biest athletes
We are currently collecting our athletes' experiences with Biestmilch. There are more about to come. It's allergy season now, and...
Immunity is as old as life – Biestmilch is one of its pillars
or why the species difference doesn’ t matter as much as we think. Before you read my musings about the importance...
Recovery: a lot talked about topic, but scarcely explored
We cannot be more wrong, if we think that the body is idle during the recovery phase. On the contrary,...
BIESTMILCH can spare you the inhaler, Rebekah Keat in Roth 2014
This is a quote by Rebekah Keat. She suffered from severe bronchial asthma which is an allergic form of asthma....