Tag: leaky gut
Leaky Gut – a condition with serious consequences
The gut for me is the most tricky creature in our body, it's a big communicator that cannot be understood,...
Stomach and gut belong to the most stressed organs of an endurance athlete
Stomach and gut issues are common among high-end performance athletes and endurance athletes in general. A few weeks ago a...
With Biestmilch physiology enters race nutrition
Ever since nutrition became part of natural science it has been coined as a calories supplier and energy provider. This...
To take painkillers preventively won’t spare you the pain of the race
The harmful effects of painkillers are widely known. A good example for their deleterious effect has been the withdrawal of...
The BIEST BOOSTER – an all natural high-tech product for race nutrition
Many of you have been receiving the BIEST BOOSTER experiment »BBex« package last year. The feedback has been so amazing...
Gastrointestinal problems are very common among endurance athletes – a survey
In March a study has been published by Playford at al.* about the the leaky gut syndrome in endurance athletes,...