Biestmilch: the story, part II

Biestmilch: the story, part II

Already in the beginning of 2000 we had coined the name and developed a logo that convinced us. As some of you know, we stick to it till today despite so many changes we undertook on our way, now, being in the middle of a fundamental change again, a change that only leaves the name and the logo untouched.
We had a rather vague idea about the story in 2000 Our biest conveyed a story, yes, but very soon we realized that this was not good enough. People were emotionally attached to this creature, they loved it, they remembered it quickly and sustained. But nobody knew, why they should buy biestmilch. For example, we had sent out a pencil with a little biest on it in our second mailing in December 2000. Till today, people who did not meet us for several years do remember it.
But the story? How could we convince poeple that biestmilch was not only a creation of our imagination to make money? How to communicate the many wonderful effects of this substance? We found out quickly that beside the emotional approach we needed a scientific basis for biestmilch. This was not easy because we could not refer back to any data available. We had to start our own documentation which was and is, of course, limited because of our very restricted human and financial resources.

But anyhow, after meticulously filing experiences and working out a theoretical background, today, we have solid scientific basement which puts the stress system and the immune system right in the centre of the product story. The kernel of our story is the regulation of biological processes and biestmilch interfering positively with regulatory processes. Biestmilch’s pivotal mode of action is modulation not substitition, this is what characterizes biestmilch.
A sketch of our story: Schleifen_pencil_bit
This is our scientific story, a story unknown and unaccustomed for the majority of people. Therefore, to tell the biestmilch story is not any easy task. It needs patience and endurance.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

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