I just call him Hassan: A story from the edge

I just call him Hassan: A story from the edge

Today, we spent a very hot day in Frankfurt at the IRONMAN Germany presenting the new biestmilch concept for the very first time. The responses were okay for us, but, this is definitely not what I want to tell you about to night. Because after all, there were no extraordinary incidences during this day. There was only one which I did not experience myself, but regardless, I would like to tell you about it. It was Mark from Aquashere who told me this incredible story.

This afternoon a Tunesian guy passed by him, round about 45 years old. He came all the way from Tunesia to take part in this race. His intention was to buy a wetsuit, at Mark’s, a wetsuit ? Too hot, Mark thought by himself but kept his mouth shut. Before he could raise his doubts anyway, the guy, I just call him Hassan, started to tell his story. He had just borrowed an old bike without any special gear shift from a guy in Frankfurt who charges him outrageous 200 € for 8 days. The bike had just plain pedals, no clips. The guy wore old almost antique Nike shoes. Unbelievable. On top of that, he proudly showed Mark his goggles with special optical lenses built-in, hand made in Italy for 60 €. Mark told me not worth a penny, not to mention 60 €. But Hassan was so enthusiastic, so innocent. Each advice Mark gave him, Hassan wrote down on a little piece paper. How much water to take on the bike, how much to eat and drink when it is hot like it is now, 38-40°C, not to wear a wetsuit, to stay behind at the swim start not to get drowned by the crowd.
Hassan swims 1:25, and he is so scared to get overrun by all the others with their refined equippment.
This guy came here to do this race, he wishes to do this from the bottom of his heart, pay attention, perhaps you can find him somewhere among the crowd. He is probably the poorest chap with the biggest heart.

Mark did not sell him a wetsuit, even though he could have done so because Hassan trusted him and would have spent his last penny. Thanks to Mark!

Isn’t this a touching story? We keep our fingers crossed for Hassan.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Der Körper, eine Maschine?

Heute war Wettag

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