Metaphors in science and society converge…

Both are interrelated and overlap. This TED talk involves two subject that interest me a lot. Quantum physics that slowly and beyond the awareness of people is undermining and finally pushing aside the metaphors that have been dominating society and its language since the dawning of the industrial age. Lee Smolin is a quantum physicist. His way of thinking interprets the world differently by using different metaphors.
The second subject is how society and the production of scientific facts are intertwined and influencing each other. Lee Smolin is not exactly outlining his talk in the same way as I receive it. My perception as a listener is more directed towards the flow of metaphors that mirror processes within society including the various scientific disciplines. Therefore I changed his title as an act of democracy from »How science is like democracy« into the above.

Lee Smolin, a theoretical physicist from Ontario, Canada. He is working mainly in the field of quantum gravity. He’s a founding member of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, and the author of The Trouble With Physics.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

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Friedrich Hegel in Poysdorf

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