There are always 2 sides to the coin and more …

There are always 2 sides to the coin and more …

Especially, times of great uncertainty and panic give way to thousands of confusing mirror images that make it impossible to find our feet. How to choose among all the information, messages, words, texts, images, experts, politicians around us? Whom and what should we select that could contribute to our own decision-making process. In the case of swine flu: it is our decision, our risk, our life!

View out of a window into a window out of a window ...
View out of a window into a window out of a window … ?

😉 got it? Sometimes it is difficult for ourselves to have full awareness of our own standpoint and even more sophisticated it becomes to recognize the starting point of others from which they may eventually take off perceiving and assessing the world, building up their arguments. Swine flu is a good example for the wild mess of views that makes orientation so hard, bushwhacking is more the word to use for the process of gaining more information or knowledge than elucidation.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

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1 Comment

  1. This morning I read an article in the Darmstädter Echo. A mother asks the hospital by telephone because her son has the typical symptoms of the swine flu and what she should do (she has spent a weekend with her son in England and the son was together with five boys and one of them has the swine flu, which they didn’t know at that time). The answer: she and her son should stay at home and has to inform the family doctor. Then the family doctor will first declare if she is right with the symptoms and then he comes to the family’s house and after that the whole family got quarantine for one week. Isn’t that grazy?

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