Biests enjoying the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii 2009

Biests enjoying the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii 2009

Currently Europe is drowning in snow. It is icy-cold, winds are gusty, and training is for those who cannot leave for warmer places a really demanding effort. This short video clip may motivate for the moment of a wink…



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Biestmilch: ein kurzer Abriss zum spezifischen Nutzen für den Ausdauer-Athleten

Working on a frame of reference

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