Survey: Did you ever experience any heart issues?

Survey: Did you ever experience any heart issues?

Related to my article underneath we would like to ask you 3 questions that may indicate how serious heart problems among endurance, and triathletes in specific may be. As immunity is one of the pillars of a healthy heart the first 15 answering our questionnaire shall receive a Biest Booster Race Package, a massive boost for your immune system !

Path to the Survey in English
Path to the Survey in German



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Looking back on a dark and rainy race day in Wiesbaden, 70.3

Biest Athletes on the Road to Hawaii or unexpected rescue followed by misleading anticipations


  1. Last year my heart would feel like it is about to stop, having a sweat and disconfort, then it would come back to normal. Sometimes it would accelerate. I did some tests but nothing was found. Doc told me it could be stress related.

  2. Last year my heart would feel like it is about to stop, having a sweat and disconfort, then it would come back to normal. Sometimes it would accelerate. I did some tests but nothing was found. Doc told me it could be stress related. Since it never appeared again

  3. Of course, these symptoms can be due to stress; but stress is a very vague term. It is important to differentiate between a vegetative disorder that is based on a dysregulation of sympathetic and vagal component of the heart innervation. For example, a heart condition can be purely vegetative caused by an sympathetic overdrive, in this case as a rule of thumb symptoms improve or disappear during a physical workout. Cardiac symptoms that are caused by a supply shortage of the heart muscle e.g. due to cardiac muscle hypertrophy or atherosclerosis of the coronaries or congenital deformities ususally get worse during strenuous exercise. But also these problems are from a biological viewpoint stress.
    In general, if stress becomes chronic it can lead to serious consequences for the heart regardless of the cause.

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