With Biestmilch I came in touch already a lot earlier, namely at the end of nineteen eighties. Back then I was drifitng around the pharamceutical industry, a short adventure as this world did not suit my temperament. I was in charge of studies which should elucidate the effect of an oral immunoglobine concentrate made of Biestmilch in AIDS patients. As I know today, the study could not hit the target. You cannot consolidate the immunity of patients whose immune system is not working anymore. There was nothing left to activate.
The company did not pursue the product, and I myself, I understood little of immunolgy and even less of Biestmilch. Today after all these years that I have worked and struggled with Biestmilch, and still do, Biestmilch for me belongs to the very few substances which is able to positively influence the milieu of cells. This circumstance influces the cell function.
Regardless of age, body weight and body size Biestmilch changes our body on the long run, it activates as well as calms. It uniquely influences our bodily systems and thus our wellbeing.
The story I would like to tell you is the one of the orbit in the universe of biology that biestmilch is moving along. It is a long story, one I can only touch on here. It is one thing to analyse biestmilch as a substance and break it up into its individual parts. However, that would be like having “reckoned without our host”. Rather, approaching biestmilch also means occupying yourself with your own body, with the physiology holding us together deep inside. You could compare this process with an expedition.
In this way, food initiates varied communication processes and effects in the organism.
This theory is very similar to that of allocating precisely such a sensory system to the immune system that the organism allows the perception of microorganisms and to communicate with them. If a sufficient number of molecules interact with the corresponding sensors or receptors on the cells, then signalling pathways in the cell are activated.
This results in the cells changing their activity status and their function. In this way, metabolic processes, for example, can be switched on or off, immunity promoted or impaired and even the activity of the nervous system can be influenced.
My preliminary conclusion from the initial research results is that, on the one hand, we need to regard our food as one unit and, on the other hand, as a composition of biologically active molecules that interact with our body cells. Food is thus much more than merely a source of calories; it modulates the regulation processes of our organism. Research has now taken the first step towards rethinking. Nevertheless, the complexity, texture, form and function of our food will confront us with unanswered questions and contradicting scientific models for many years to come.
Modern times and the increasing dominance of natural sciences have pushed this substance aside. Its diversity and its broad spectrum of active molecules are difficult to tackle for most research approaches. For this very reason, published studies rarely give justice to it, for everything that breaks out of linearity proves difficult for Western natural science to tame.
This is why we also find it difficult to understand the effects of foodstuffs in all their complexity: to understand how they nourish us and guarantee our wellbeing and to comprehend what in the end constitutes its quality. This also has to do with the fact that our knowledge of physiology of the healthy organism is still very limited because, for many centuries, we only occupied ourselves with pathology, i.e. the sick body. It wasn’t until recently that scientists started to look at food from a different perspective, to see them rather as a multitude of bioactive molecules that interact with our body.
Wellbeing is moving and eating healthily.
It is our food rather than medicine that keeps our bodies in balance and make us more resilient. Our food provides us with strength and energy and supplies us with the degree of immunity that enables us to coexist and collaborate with the myriad of microorganisms surrounding us.
"Nourishing" with Biestmilch means staying well and getting well with the power of food.