The Biestmilch Island

The Biestmilch Island

We are currently in the midst of a flu epidemic. Whilst nobody cares much about the diagnosis swine flu anymore, it became without any doubts a fact that whole Europe is suffering from the flu. In our vicinity  – one may say – crowds of people are sick. Many a workplace is deserted, gyms and public traffic means are empty, schools have been closed…
Our team who is – I have to admit – currently on extraordinary high doses of biestmilch is and has been healthy all a along. We all work hard, we meet a lot of people, nevertheless our health stability is amazing. You get so robust taking biestmilch over years. We all feel like living on an island, an island that is not defined by geographical borders, but its state of immunity. Immunity thus makes the difference, immunity is the demarcation line to the rest of the world. Biestmilch island therefore got offsprings all over Europe 😉 …

Would be interesting for us “biestmilchers” 🙂 to get to know from you whether you got through autumn without a flu and how you managed to do so. Those out there who are living on an island like ours too, please let us know.

To be open about it: there is a conflict of interest, because we really are convinced of this substance and we do market biestmilch.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

Biestmilch starts an brand ambassador program

Memories from beyond the job, Hawaii 2009

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