CORONA, SARS, BIRD FLU, big words, big propaganda, big news, breaking news …
then the smaller words, the not worth the breaking news virus infections: COMMON COLD, HEAD COLD, SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, SINUSITIS, PNEUMONIA OR the ”simple” but not be underestimated FLU
These illnesses tell the story of our coexistence with the myriads of viruses that surround and interact with us, be it positive or negative, negative the case of of the above mentioned illnesses.

Viruses are everywhere, we cannot escape them, we live with them, we need them. They are not our enemy. The belong to the bits and pieces that make up for life, also for ours.
A virus is not an entity which we call a living organism. It needs an organism to integrate, to interact with. It resembles more a soluble molecule connecting with cell receptors. Depending on our immune status, on our body’s communication skills, viruses help scaling up our resilience or on the contrary, they weaken us. So, a lot is up to us, once again we are not the victims who are helplessly attacked by virus particles !!!
The misconceptions about viruses out there are definitely harmful. Especially detrimental is the distorted mindset among scientist as their views directly climb down the society ladder. Through the media expert opinions turn into murky truths followed by often harmful behavioral guidelines. An obvious example is the misuse and abuse of antibiotics, an intervention that could not be more wrong in the case of virus infections accompanied by the dangerous side-effect that we destroy one of the most powerful medications that have been discovered by men.
Now some basics on the biology of the virus
A virus is an organic particle (DNA, RNA) that is not able to replicate by itself. Viruses are everywhere, they are even integral part of our gut flora. You cannot avoid them and they are not necessarily harmful. We know today that they played an essential role in the evolution of species, also the evolution of the human creature. Viruses can modify a cell’s function to the good. In this case we would call it adaptation and a step forward in the evolution of the species. Or the viruses intervene to the bad, then we are talking about infections, tumors or even extinction.

The cell and virus interactions are influenced by the microclimate of the cell. Cold weather and humidity as well as a milieu of stress make certain cells more vulnerable to viruses. On the other hand the virus load we are exposed to plays an important role. Saliva of a sick person is like a virus bomb hitting you, and needs a very strong immunity not afflict you.
If a critical amount of viruses manages to integrate into your body’s cells – which cells and which parts of the cells are affected depends on the virus and the type of cell – then the flood gates are open, the virus can take over the metabolism of the cell. In this case the cell works in favor of the virus not your body’s. The viruses start replicating and spreading throughout the body. The route of spreading they choose again depends on the kind of cell and virus.
Improving our hygienic conditions is not the solution to the problem
The symptoms of virus infections can be localized or systemic. Localized virus infections such as a head cold or a sore throat disappear by themselves after a few days without any specific therapeutic intervention. Just don’t stress your immune system too much and you will be fine.
The situation changes if you come down with a full-fledged flu. Then the symptoms are systemic. You may suffer from fever, joint pain, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue etc. All these phenomena are due to the activity state of your immune system that tries to cope with the virus.
Unfortunately, our arsenal of therapeutics for these cases is extremely limited. Rest, time, enough fluid, and foods such as soup – light to digest but powerful in nutrients are the best treatment. This demands patience and trust in you own body’s immune system and recovery potential.

The course of the disease depends on the condition of your immunity. You cannot erase viruses with antibiotics, you need to care about your immunity.
Whether the viruses are cleaned from the system completely and immunity being the clear winner of this interplay or whether the viruses are kept under control while remaining in our body’s cells – this is the case in Epstein-Barr-Virus and Herpes virus infections – depends on the power of our immune system.
Some basics on vaccines
The thought concept behind a vaccine is that of provoking an immune response with a mixture of the respective virus which has been modified in a way that no disease symptoms appear. Everyone knows that this is a tricky job to do. Side-effects and failure of vaccines are not uncommon, and are due to an unspecific activation of the immune system. Another serious problem of vaccines is that viruses permanently mutate, and a vaccine only works for the one specific strain it was designed for. Flu epidemics therefore spread on a regular basis all over the globe. The third concern is the route of administration. Since decades researches try to develop oral vaccines, the natural route of immunization as you know. We have not been very successful in this respect.
Biestmilch is oral immunization
Biestmilch (bovine colostrum) is an all natural substance that strengthens immunity and has the wonderful property to make our bodies more resilient. Similar to quality food Biestmilch makes you fitter for this interplay between you and the virus. Thousands of different immune molecules make Biestmilch very similar to our serum. The high content of immunoglobulins (antibodies), cell growth factors, cell communication molecules such as interleukins and molecules with unspecific disinfectant properties such as lactoferrin make it a substance of incredible value for all kind of health hazards, and a perfect preventive agent during times when epidemics such as the flu are about to spread.

Biestmilch acts via all epithelial linings be it the nose, the mouth or the gut. It modulates your immune system as a whole, it doesn’t only target one cell or one molecule. Biestmilch (also known as colostrum or first milk) communicates and interacts on various levels with your body and therefore it does justice to the body’s complexity. Moreover as all illnesses have an inflammatory component Biestmilch as a substance modulating and balancing inflammation is the foodstuff of choice for virus infections.
A remark at the end
Flu shots became a very common way of flu prevention, even though discussed controversially. The stories that flu vaccines failed are not a rare phenomenon. One reason among others is that flu viruses mutate quickly, and therefore undermine the vaccine’s effect. Almost every year we face different strains that are not covered by vaccines. Biestmilch works differently. It does not attack the virus, but it enables the immune system to act efficiently to control the virus. Biestmilch’s mode of action differs completely from the vaccine. It can be seen as an oral immunization initiating a broad spectrum of processes that are essential for virus control and elimination, be they specific or unspecific.
The study cited underneath showed significantly the superiority of Biestmilch compared to the vaccines, even vaccines and Biestmilch administered together have not been superior to Biestmilch alone.
In the colostrum (Biestmilch) group the risk to come down with a flu was reduced by 30% compared to the flu shot group.
Prevention of Influenza Episodes With Colostrum Compared With Vaccination in Healthy and High-Risk Cardiovascular Subjects: The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino, a study by Maria Rosaria Cesarone, MD, Gianni Belcaro, MD, PhD, Andrea Di Renzo, BA, et al. from San Valentino-Spoltore Vascular Screening Project, Department of Biomedical Sciences, G D’annunzio University, Chieti, Pescara, Italy.