Tag: virus infection
Der Genesenstatus oder die verlorene natürliche Immunität
An den Leiter der AGES, der Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit, einer Gesellschaft im Eigentum der Republik Österreich. Sehr geehrter...
Virus infections: Rule of thumb number 1 “strengthen your immunity”
CORONA, SARS, BIRD FLU, big words, big propaganda, big news, breaking news ... then the smaller words, the not worth...
Being sick or just feeling depleted?
In this text I want to look behind the symptoms of depletion that can so easily be misinterpreted as virus...
Experiences with Biestmilch: testimonials of our Biest athletes
We are currently collecting our athletes' experiences with Biestmilch. There are more about to come. It's allergy season now, and...
Illnesses caused by viruses are Biestmilch territory
Common cold, head cold, sore throat, bronchitis, sinusitis or flu etc. are first of all virus infections. This list could...