BIESTMILCH: The proof of concept “modulation of inflammation” is there

In 2015 Ronnie Schildknecht asked me the questions he had about Biestmilch. One was the question about the evidence and the data. The 17 years I am now acting as a Biestmilch advocate have been marked by the most extreme reactions of people against or for the substance, reaching from ridiculing it with mild cynicism and ignoring the available data to the most enthusiastic believers who became with their very own experiences powerful advocates for the Biestmilch.

Our handicap in the BIESTMILCH company has always been that we didn’t have the resources to do our own studies and align with institutes or universities of reputation. We had to take the long and stony path collecting experiences over years, well aware of the fact that experience is a controversial thing in our societies who are dominated by the data of the so-called studies performed in natural science. I won’t raise the big question mark of what the quality criteria of a good study are.

Against all odds listening to my own words back in 2015 I think that the time is finally working for us. BIESTMILCH is positioned as a modulator of inflammatory states. Now after so many years of hitting the wall with this rationale, the importance of the inflammatory processes seems slowly slowly penetrating the scientific community and maybe some day the general public too. The scientific power play of the pro and cons has begun. A good example is the topic of the ketogenic and the low-carb high-fat diet and their relation to the inflammation.
I really do hope that Biestmilch is on board, when times have changed in its favor.



Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.

A BIEST BOOSTER in the morning instead of a cup of coffee

BIESTMILCH lifts the spirits

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