


Studio Sperl or how the shop turned into a livestream studio

Already early in my life with Biestmilch, let’s assume it was around 2009, I had this dream of a shop, a flagship store. As I always have this tendency to think big, the desire was inspired by San Francisco’s Apple Store. You may immediately think, how big-headed is she, and you are right, I am.

In autumn 2019 I made the first steps towards this dream. I found an outstanding location in Vienna’s second district, small but exquisite, historical walls dating to the mid 18th century, a thick-walled, round-arched room of round about 80 sqm. It took me only the blink of an eye to rent it. Amazingly enough, I got it, and very important of course, for an affordable price.

The construction site in the beginning of 2020

The place was not in a too good shape and needed quite some brush-up. We did it. In the beginning of 2020 we were proud tenants of an awesome shop.

The opening event took place on February 29, 2020. 10th of March WHO announced COVID-19 to be a pandemic. A dream so close to become true fell into bits and pieces. Austria drifted in its first lockdown on Monday, March 16, 2020.

The emergence of the studio

The idea of going live was not connected to COVID-19 in the first place. Herwig, my good old friend, who traveled the world with me for one and a half decades, came up with the suggestion to give Biestmilch, this highly in need of explanation creature, a platform to speak about.

The happy tenant

Times have changed rapidly since spring 2020, everybody has got her or his individual experience with the restrictions around COVID-19.

Almost ready to move in

Our poor shop lived a lonely live, windows with sad dirty eyes faced the empty street. This had to change. The idea of the lifestream made a radical turn into another direction, the need to speak up and become more outspoken about immunity felt like necessity for me.

Waiting for the guests to come, February 29, 2020

Online activities got financial support from the Austrian government. This encouraged us to start the venture of establishing a professional studio. With my friends Herwig and Rolli I was lucky to have to experts at hand. The pictures of the studio speak their very own language. I think I don’t have to explain the details, pro lights, mixing console etc. … really great, I love it.

Work in progress, here a lesson for me by Herwig Steiner

I started my story-telling sessions around four weeks ago. It makes me definitely happy to have this little stage to express the stories that mark my life.

The first “I ON AIR” training session, f*cking nervous…

Still, I am nervous, when the red “on air” light starts blinking. But as we all know, there is no good performance without stage fright.

I ON AIR is about to leave its infancy. My team and I hope to meet you in the air soon.

Team in action


Susann is the biest prototype and head of the team. She is Austrian, has studied medicine, meaning she is a medical doctor and the Biesters' alpha wolf. Susann continuously produces new ideas, is strong in making concepts and is practically always ON FIRE. Without her BIESTMILCH wouldn't be where and what it is today, and anyway - not possible.


German top triathlete Andi Boecherer knows how to take out the optimum of the BIEST BOOSTER

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