categoryAllergies: Did the pandemic make them disappear into the sky?
I republish these lines from 2013 now since a situation called "pandemic" intruded our life, a time span of almost...
Why no antibody testing instead of the unspecific and therefore unreliable PCR
Subject: Antibody Testing Dear Members of Parliament, we will all be forced to vaccinate from February 1st, 2022, regardless of...
Der Genesenstatus oder die verlorene natürliche Immunität
An den Leiter der AGES, der Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit, einer Gesellschaft im Eigentum der Republik Österreich. Sehr geehrter...
Brain and gut in the focus of the race
We live entangled in stress factors, flooded by stress from the in- and outside our stress response is essential for...
Natürliche Immunität – verspielt, vergessen, verloren?
Elijas Worte haben mich zu diesem Text verführt. Über natürliche Immuntät zu sprechen ist wichtiger denn je. Ich nehmen an,...
The PCR issue – a test founded on bad science
I am well aware that this manuscript dissecting the Corman-Drosten PCR protocol is not easy to digest. To put it...
No peak performance with impaired immunity – BIESTMILCH strengthens immunity
When most of the triathletes have arrived on the Big Island of Hawaii for competing in the IRONMAN world championships...
My real life encounters with viruses
In this I ON AIR I am talking about those viruses that made me come down with an illness. I...